Dear New NICU Parent, Congratulations on your perfect, little miracle(s)! I celebrate with you over the gift of life that you are entrusted with! What a journey you are about to embark on, what a journey you are already enduring. Baby Beckett For whatever brought you here, you are here. No matter the duration of your stay, simply being admitted feels too long. A place no one wants to be, a club no one aspires to join. It is interesting, though, most “members” grow to not only accept this new club but welcome and rely on this new-found community that embraces them. Among the doctors, NNPs, specialists, nurses, RTs, OTs, social workers, and even the other families you share soap with at the scrub-in sink there is a unique bond, a connection, a feeling of being understood when life is unimaginable for “nonmembers”. While no two journeys are the same – I know I can’t completely relate to your individual story – I empathize wi...
One girl's journey through life and choice to live joyfully.